Importing Images
To import images, navigate to the ‘Pre Auction’ section, and then select ‘Lot Images’.

- Start the import process by selecting your lot images. Supported file types include PNG and JPEG.
If you’re using Safari on a Mac, ensure your images are in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format. While Macs let you choose any image type, they automatically convert HEIC images to PNG during import, renaming them in the process. This can disrupt your image-to-lot numbering. For example, an image named 1.1.HEIC may be renamed to something like tempImage8x3ax.png, requiring you to manually match each image to its corresponding lot. To avoid this, convert HEIC images beforehand.
If you’re importing directly from an iPhone photo library, any images in a different format will automatically convert to JPG during the process.

If your images are named after the lot number they are associated with, the software will apply those images to the correct lot.
Example: If you have four images for lot #1, you would name these images 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4. Named in this way, the software will associate every image starting with 1- as belonging to lot #1. Images for lot #2 would be named 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and so on.
- There are multiple naming conventions for the images that will work for autoassigning the images to lots
- 1.1.jpg
- 1-1.jpg
- 1_1.jpg
- 1(1).jpg
- 1 (1).jpg
- 1 1.jpg
- Choose the images you want to import, then click ‘Open.’

This screenshot shows the “Lot Image Import” screen used for uploading and organizing auction images.
Key features include:
- Upload Button: For adding images to the auction lots.
- Lot Number Dropdown: Select or input the corresponding lot number.
- Image List: Displays uploaded images with columns for preview, status, filename, display order, and lot number. Each row includes options to reorder, assign to a lot, or remove the image.
- Checkboxes: Allow selection of images for bulk actions.
- Remove Buttons: Delete individual images from the list.
- Skip Duplicate Images: A checkbox to prevent importing duplicate images.
- Remove All Files Button: Quickly clear all uploaded images from the list.

- Once the process is complete, you’ll see all the images with their updated status.

If your import includes images that aren’t in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png formats, an error will appear for those images in the status report.

If you proceed with the upload without removing those images, you’ll receive an “invalid file type” error message.

- You can start an import and walk away from the computer, and it will continue as long as the computer doesn’t go to sleep. The computer can be locked, and as long as the internet connection is stable, the import will proceed.
- If the computer goes to sleep during the import, it will pause until you wake it up and reestablish the internet connection.
- You can upload the auction to HiBid while the image import is still processing, but only the images imported by the time you click “Upload Auction” will be included. You’ll need to upload again to include any additional images imported afterward.
- Import speeds have improved, but remember that file size and internet speed still impact how quickly your images import.