Fast Lot Entry
1. On the Easy Navigator screen (or Navigator toolbar), click the Auction Lots & Preview Images button.

2. On the Lots And Preview Images For Auction screen, click the Fast Entry button.

3. Use the Fast Entry screen to add lots. (See Fast Entry Screen Options, Fast Entry Toolbar Options, and Fast Entry Item Options below for more information.)

4. When you are finished, click the Save button next to the lot.
5. When you are completely finished entering and saving lots, click the red “X in the upper-right corner of the screen to close it.
Fast Entry Screen Options
Lot # – Unique number assigned to each item that will be sold at this auction.
Source Code / Info – Customer Code for the consignor that this inventory belongs to. If you have previously entered the consignor, you can enter the code in this box. If you need to enter a new consignor, click the Search button (magnifying glass icon) and then click the New button in the Consignor Maintenance form.
Auction Qty (Quantity) – The quantity of the item to be sold at auction under this lot number.
Inventory Type – If you have set up inventory types, this drop-down box will have a list of the inventory types you have created. Otherwise, it will use Default.
Lead / Description – The top box (Lead) contains the first 50 characters of your lot’s description. The bottom box (Description) contains the remainder of the lot’s description, with no limit on the number of characters.
Est. Min – Max (Each) – The minimum pre-sale estimate per each quantity for this lot, and the maximum pre-sale estimate per each quantity for this lot.
Total Reserve – This is the total reserve for the entire Auction Quantity entered.
Start Bid – The starting bid for online auction items.
Tax Status – Determines the tax status for this item.
Images – The blank area to the right with the text “Drag & Drop Images Above” is the space where you can drag and drop images from a folder. This is especially useful if you wish to use an auction presenter for your audience during a live sale. It is also used prominently for online auctions. You can add up to 150 images per lot, and you can drag and drop multiple images simultaneously.
Fast Entry Toolbar Options

Go Lot# – This button allows you to jump to a specific lot number within the Fast Entry screen.
Edit Lot# – This button allows you to jump to a specific lot number, presenting the item in edit mode.
Print Label – This checkbox, if checked, turns on the auto print option for entering lots. If this is checked, a lot label will automatically print after each save.
Auto Lot# – This checkbox, if checked, turns on automatic lot numbering using the settings in Miscellaneous > Settings and Options > Auction.
Keep Source – This checkbox, if checked, will prompt Auction Flex to auto-fill the Consignor field for the next item after you enter a consignor once.
After Save Go To – This drop-down box allows you to select the field that the cursor will enter after each save. Using this can speed up lot entry when used in conjunction with Auto Lot# and Keep Source.
Fast Entry Item Options

Edit – Changes the item from view mode to edit mode.
Delete – Removes item from the catalog. When you click this, the item is returned to your inventory.
Selection (down arrow) – This button allows you to print a single lot label, or edit the lot’s details.