Create a New Auction
1. On the Easy Navigator screen (or Navigator toolbar), click the Select / New button.

2. On the Select Active Auction screen, click the New Auction button.

3. When prompted, click the Yes button to confirm that you want to create a new auction.
4. If you wish to copy settings from a previously created auction to the new one, check the Copy settings from another auction (advanced option) checkbox.
Enter a name and date range for the auction. These do not have to be exact as they can be changed later. Click the Create New Auction button and confirm the dates to continue.

5. If you elected to copy settings from a previous auction, the Copy Auction Settings screen will display. The drop-down box at the top allows you to choose the auction from which you are copying settings. Once you are finished selecting radio buttons to determine which items to copy from the previous auction to the current auction, click the Copy button.

6. Use the Auction Setup Maintenances screen to continue with setup. See Auction Setup for more information.