
Auction Flex allows you to add expenses to auction items. Expenses are charged to the consignor prior to payment. To add an expense to every item or consignor in the auction, follow these steps.

1. On the Easy Navigator screen (or Navigator toolbar), click the Auction Setup button.

2. If you have already created an auction, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the Auction Setup Maintenance box.

OR, if you have not already created an auction, click the Create A New Auction (green plus sign icon) button at the bottom of the Auction Setup Maintenance box.

3. Click the Expenses button.

4. Choose either the Consignor Expenses (Not Item Specific) or Item Specific Expenses tab, as appropriate.

5. Click the Add Batched Expenses button.

6. Enter information in the Add Batched Expenses box.

Distribution Method – This field offers several ways to assign expenses. For example, pro-rated based on specific criteria, distributed evenly over all records, or distributed to each record.

7. When you are done entering information, click the Go button. If necessary, return to step 4 and repeat the steps to create as many separate expenses as needed. For example, there may be repeat expenses such as Image Fee, Insurance, or Advertising.

8. Click the In-House Expenditures tab if you need to record any expenses that you incurred for the auction. Auction house expenses such as labor and rent can be tracked here. Click the Add button; enter the amount, expense description, and correct auction; and then click the OK button.

You will be able to view your In-House Expenditures via the Auction Summary box.