User Defined Fields (UDFs)
Auction Flex empowers you to create unlimited Inventory Types, each with unique criteria fields tailored to your needs. You can incorporate up to 15 User Defined Fields (UDFs) across three categories: 6 short UDFs (25-character max), 6 medium UDFs (40-character max), and 3 long UDFs (no character limit). These fields can be used to create item leads (titles), descriptions, or to enhance your inventory details through our Extended Description Options.
With UDFs, you have full control over the type and placement of information for each inventory type. By filling out the UDF fields, you can easily organize and display relevant details. Additionally, three UDF captions serve special purposes, which are explained below. (For further details, click the question mark next to “Caption:” in Auction Flex.)
- Condition: Automatically included in the description when you click the email button from Inventory Maintenance.
- Consignor Item #: Automatically included in consignor reports and available as a sort order option for CO Balance Reports.
- Auctioneer Notes: Automatically displayed on the Auctioneer’s Screen and printed on the Auctioneer’s Copy.
To demonstrate, we will now create an inventory type called “Art” as our example.

In the image above, you’ll notice that we’ve populated 7 of the 15 available User-Defined Fields (UDFs). These UDFs enable us to create Leads (titles for items) and enhance item Descriptions. For this example, we are capturing key details such as the Artist Name, type of painting, whether it’s signed, the size, weight (required for eBay), and the piece’s title.
We’ve utilized the Auto Lead field orders to organize the title and the Extended Description field orders for the description. When we add an item under the “Art” inventory type, the Lead will automatically follow the Auto Lead order, while the Description will be formatted according to the Extended Description Options.
Additionally, we’ve configured Field Labels, which will display in the catalog alongside the Extended Descriptions, ensuring your inventory is clearly organized and presented.

The catalogue description for this item can be printed or exported based on the settings chosen within the Field Settings of the Inventory Types. For a more thorough walk-through, please contact an Auction Flex representative.